Customer Reviews
“I wanted to let you know that the Shruti box arrived alright and that I fell in love with it. It has a beautiful, full sound and I feel it has a soul as well. I have tried different shruti boxes that just had a plain, no soul sound. My friend has an old one that is gorgeous and I really wanted to get a shruti box with similar qualities. One that opens your voice and heart. Thanks to you, I did.”
Martina Jelicic, Czech Republic (M2 Low G)
“Shruti Box well received, already played, already happy! Thank you!”
Diphoo, Musician, France (M3 & Bowring pedal)
“Thanks for the shruti box !!! Sounds spectacular, its vibration makes it very easy to connect to a meditative state …”
Maite Garbizu, Yoga Teacher, Spain (M1 A#)
“…just wanted to let you know that the Shruti arrived today .. Its Awesome Man ! Really Nice Build and Great Sound .. Thanks so Much …”
Jason Kerr, Panama (M2 C)
“Just to thank you for the shruti box, with which I am thoroughly thrilled: the sound is supernal, the tuning impeccable, the pedal perfect.”
Tony Lamb, UK (M1 A# & Bowring pedal)
“The Shrutibox has arrived, every thing is fine. What a beautiful instrument, great hand-craft and lovely tone. I’m looking forward to play and improvise. Many thanks for the great service.”
Claudia Meier, Germany (M1 A#)
“My shruti box has arrived safely in New Hampshire! The sound is lovely and it is just as presented on the website. Thank you for the care in making and sending it!.”
Cathy Okhuysen, Musician, USA (M1 C)
“Shruti arrived safe on Friday, and is wonderful, played at Cornwall folk festival and went down very well, much admired, you may get another order from these parts!.”
Liz Crow, UK (M1 C)
” I have just received your wonderful instrument, which opens up a new landscape in music and also helpful for practicing scales.”
Pere Vergés Coma, Musician with Flexta Negra, Ibiza (M3 Low G & Bowring pedal)
“I love my new Shruti. It is fantastic and amazingly designed. I have people asking me about them, so I will put them in touch with you when that happens, so we can get more of these beautiful beings into the world.”
Clare Hedin, Healing, Music and Consciousness, USA (M1 C)
“We are back in nairobi.. and loving this beautiful
instrument… playing it with our mantras and chanting
Vinaya Pinto, Yoga practitioner, Nairobi (M1 A#)
“It’s just beautiful to see and touch, and it sounds really good! This will expand my life of music.”
Kiyoka Hachiya, Singer-songwriter, Japan (M1 A#)
“I just write to you to let you know that I am really happy with the instrument that I buy from you. Thank you very much!.”
Ray Morten Erlandsen, Yoga teacher, Sweden (M1 Low G)
“Loving it! I’m finding it’s very useful for singing over and experimenting with melody and developing vocal control.”
Andy Gelowitz, Guitarist, Canada (M3 Low G & Bowring Pedal)
“Hey Stefan, it’s simply masterful! Thanks a million, worth every penny.”
Max Turner, Musician, Germany/India (M1 Low G special large edition & Bowring Pedal)